Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Not much happened today, was all over the hospital for usual appointments. I was in a bad mood most of the day, it seamed every appointment went over its time which resulted in me being late to all the other appts. Oh well at least I got my legs tweaked some more so hopefully I'm able to balance soon. A couple of weeks ago I started the army's soldier to civilian program (ACAP) so I've been working on my résumé. I missed the school deadline for out here for next year so I'm looking into local internships to kill time and build my skills. It makes me sad and scared that I'm getting out. The army is all I've known and loved, now I have to start over. What's worse is that there are guys here that are still kids, 18,19 years old right out of high school.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason,
    I have been following you since I met you at Spring Road. I know you are scared and uncertain about leaving the army and transitioning to civilian life. You are such an inspiration to so many people with your attitude and progress you have made. I believe that what ever you decide to do after army life you will excell at it. God has a purpose for you!!! You and Kara are in our prayers everyday.
    Tom and Sue
