Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On leave

Well officially my leave starts tomorrow, but I'm done with what I need to do hospital wise. Although I do need to give blood so they can test it. When I was initially hurt they ran out of my type blood at Kandahar so they took volunteers or Battle Buddy Blood to save me. Because of that I have to go every 6 months to make sure my blood is good for the next 2 years. So if you you don't give blood give it every bit helps, especially I'f you are in the military. The military collects from within, they don't take blood from the Red Cross or anyone else that I'm aware of.

I've actually been thinking a lot lately and it keeps me up at night so I'm sorry if my thoughts are scattered but this helps me.

So a lot of people all over are telling me that I'm a inspiration. At first I was a little mad, I was thinking of the usual why did this happen question and other selfish thoughts. But I believe everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for everyone. I'm not going to lie, I wish I knew what's in store for me. If I've already helped many people by inspiring them, how can I help more. I guess that's one of the reasons for the blog and who knows my Dad keeps telling me to write a book so we will see.


  1. Jason, you are definitely an inspiration. Your strength and faith are amazing. I just know God has something very special in mind for you. In one of your first posts you said something about handicapped veterans. Well young man, the description of you should be "handicapable veteran" With God's help I know you will have a full and wonderful life with Kara. God Bless you Both.

  2. I am so proud of you and how far you've come in such a short time.... Don't sell what you've done short because that took a herculean effort... I look forward to hear what you post next!
